Shields are applied in obvious and exclusive use for the common defense of activists and their speech
Activists held a training assembly in Tennessee. Drilling, defensive posture, and martial arts were all practiced and instructed for many hours. These matters serve to build strength, coordination, and mental acuity among the activists.
Representatives from Networks across the Northeast and Midwest were in attendance to the intense weekend of instruction, so that they might learn and share skills upon their return home. Drilling is critical in keeping spacing and order among a large marching column of activists, especially in consideration to plausible threats posed to the lawful and peaceable assemblies of patriots in the modern political climate. Proper drill showcases the ideals of discipline which the Front seeks to inject into the lives of American men, and illustrates the ability of these patriots to learn skills in unison. It is symbolic, as well as practical.
Activists of all experience levels are present at such assemblies, and coordination of training and improvement efforts can vary heavily based on the composition of those receiving the instructions. The inclusion of boxing and grappling classes serves to promote health, sport, and friendly contest among the participants. Such contests are, and have always been, a keystone of masculine virtue, and an impetus for personal development. Basic posture and repetition present in these training efforts become invaluable to young men developing greater confidence in potentially hazardous environments, and in one's approach to challenging scenarios. These sports and martial disciplines have been present in our nation's culture for generations, and the matter of keeping them alive is as much about tradition as it is about the improvement of lives.
It is instead the denizens of the extant government who use chaos, crime, and wanton mob violence as a political sledgehammer to silence dissent.
Especially focused on in the assembly's classes were drills on defensive posture. These drills sought to instruct activists on when not to interact with a potential assailant, and practicing that limited and measured interaction for the immediate defense of oneself and one's compatriots directly aside himself. It is a shameful, but well recognized reality that enemies of the nation's cause will attempt to instigate assaults so that he who protects himself from injury will be slandered as an aggressor. In this case, shields are applied in obvious and exclusive use for the common defense of activists and their speech from direct injury proceeding from any such attempts. These implements keep any activist from having to come into direct contact with an attacker in order to prevent himself from coming to harm.
Assemblies are not without time for social connection and brotherhood, either. Activity is punctuated by time where members can get to share experiences, discuss their thoughts, and discover the common bonds which unite us as a people, as fighters for a cause greater than ourselves.
This well regulated posture of conduct may also be viewed as a political statement in itself. Contrary to the hysterical prattling of establishment media, the organization does not believe in nor practice conduct relating to violent behavior. It is instead the denizens of the extant government who use chaos, crime, and wanton mob violence as a political sledgehammer to silence dissent. It has long since been the aim of subversive political agents to create a domestic climate of alienation and fear. In such a climate, Americans may be led to consider the government as a force for stability, rather than the instigator of this strife. Likewise, selective enforcement of legal bureaucracy flourishes amidst widespread division and disorder. Among those in service to the nation's true cause, it is a firmly held belief that any government which benefits from civil strife has forfeit its legitimate function, and is overdue for the alteration or abolition forewarned by our forebears.