In The News

In The News

The figureheads in the media continue to spew their incessant hatred towards Americans who refuse to accept a future without national sovereignty. Meaningless slurs pour forth as they seek to reinforce the status quo. However, they choose to do nothing to stop the corruption of the American government, the vulnerability of its borders, or the disintegrating rights of its people. These degrading forces on our nation are ignored primarily because many in the corrupted media are complicit themselves.

The sheer indifference of those tasked with confining public discourse into a selection of approved thoughts to the tangible problems facing the American nation is causing all but the most ardent supporters of their policing to distrust them and their rhetoric. Every time a slur with the sole purpose of silencing dissent rolls off the back of one who would not see his nation denied a future, its meaning dulls and its effectiveness wanes.

Patriots understand well that the right path is rarely the easy one. Because of that all the slings and arrows of an amoral establishment instead become vindicating endorsements by the nation's detractors.