A Worthy Endeavor

A Worthy Endeavor

Americans are facing the greatest calamity their nation has ever seen straight on, and with the barrel of the gun positioned firmly between their eyes and the tendrils of global finance ready to pull the trigger, they yet remain unaware of the gravity of their situation.

Americans know something is wrong. There is a voice deep within them that calls out desperately telling them to alter their course.

Our predecessors found this continent a savage and untamed land. They were beset on all sides by disease, famine, war from inland tribes and foreign empires all the same. Standing on the beaches of the new world they looked west and saw a challenge. These men knew that their life would offer them little more than struggle. There was no city of gold over the next hill to greet their weary eyes.

The domestication of man today has placed this form of civilization-creating will out of reach for many, and out of the mere imaginations of many more. Yet it is only with this undying passion to forge onwards that we can send this corrupted world back to Hell, and usher in a new one free of all its vices.

Architects of the American tragedy we now find ourselves in have, for all their faults, done exceedingly well in dismantling all aspects of tradition and natural life only to cobble them back together as a monstrous reanimation which threatens the American Spirit with a complete negation from all existence and memory thereof.

We live in a time where the judgement coming from the universally distrusted, controlled media and our artificially strewn together social cliques now matters more to us than the judgement that may come from history itself, and our descendants as they survey the world we left them. With priorities in such disarray, no progress towards anything worthwhile can be made.

Americans know something is wrong. There is a voice deep within them that calls out desperately telling them to alter their course. However, many have not yet heard this call, and not all will join us on our journey to reignite the flickering embers of civilization that once served as a beacon to all the world that great men stood here.

We can look our descendants in the eyes and say that we did our part.

It was not the ink on documents that forged America, and it wasn’t the contents of bank vaults that gave our nation meaning, purpose, and the will to survive. The blood in the hearts of patriots, and the land for which death was not too high a cost to preserve stands above all other forces that have shaped American history.

In this momentous effort we realize our position as simple threads in the fabric of our American way of life. Just as our ancestors were driven insatiably to the next crest of the next mountain on their way from one shining sea to another, not knowing what awaited them, so too must we strive forwards with no misconceptions about victory coming easily or soon. We seek a new, grand vision of America not because it is within a current trend, or promoted by the culture of the day, but because it is the only moral task we may commit ourselves to, so that when our time comes to leave this world, we can look our descendants in the eyes and say that we did our part.