March 7, 2019
Debts of Blood
Activists demonstrated at AIPAC offices and Israeli consulates around the country to advocate for national sovereignty, and to oppose the institutions betraying the interests of Americans. Mercenary enforcers of the state’s will sought to prevent activists from making their voice heard, and opposed the actions of patriots at every step. During the series of actions, police mobilized to harass and intimidate activists with the goal of preventing any speech critical of the foreign influence weighing heavily on the nation. Any doubt still existing to the stranglehold with which the Zionist lobbies grip the state was put soundly to rest with the pushback exhibited by the government’s porcine correctors. The revolutionary ideals of the nation’s cause present an existential threat to the efforts of those usurping America’s prosperity to suit their ends. For far too long has the voice of the nation been silent in the face of the ruthless intimidation which meets those calling attention to the misdeeds of the international Zionist mob. No foreign interest or power with control over the lives of Americans will go unopposed in the pursuit of collective liberty. The lies of corrupted media and controlled politicians are worthless to those resolved to speak truth to tyrants. The American state is mired in a vast swamp of competing foreign influences who have found America's so-called representatives to be spineless fools for purchase. The government is pulled in nearly every direction by these forces from abroad and from within. Zionism has become one of the loudest voices in this alien shouting match for control of the resources once reserved for an American posterity. Nearly every suit-clad criminal acting as a rootless mercenary to the state can be found either in complete and unquestioning advocacy for Zionist causes, or terrified into utter silence in the face of the myriad injustices stemming from their efforts. The countless billions spent in pursuit of Zionist wars abroad, the immeasurably immense purchase of political representation, and the demonization of Americans brave enough to stand up and question why are all stark indications that this is no movement that the people stand to gain from. Instead, these internationalist lobbies are an encompassing weight that blockades the nation's cause from once again being the central focus of America's governing body. To be a patriot one must embrace the defense of their people against all forces which may seek to lead them astray. No extranational recipient of any aid or assistance should be given immunity from the watchful eyes of the people. It is not those intimidated into silence to whom the future belongs. The tasks of the future that the nation must bear demand bravery and wholehearted, unwavering opposition to all forces which do not seek the best interest of the nation.
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February 9, 2019
Revolutionary Tradition
Activists visited the cemetery of revolutionary war spies to pay their respects to their efforts in support of national sovereignty. The Culper Ring was a band of spies serving the Continental Army during the Revolutionary War, who operated within British-Occupied New York to give vital information which led to the reclamation of the city by American forces. Value lies within the parallels of our struggles separated by time, but not by ideal. Now, more than ever, we must honor the revolutionary tradition that has been so tragically shorn from the national conscious in favor of a malignant submission to the status quo of dispossession, and decadence. The future will not be shaped by those contemplating half measures and compromises with tyrants, but by those who fully reject their theft of the nation's destiny. Our forebears knew that any government which dictates a people which do not have representation in it is unjust. Our government shows no desire to actualize the will of the nation, as its so-called representatives cater to the poisonous influences of a plutocratic, global elite. We must once again reassert that our people should be the prime dictators of their destiny. To ensure the collective liberty of the nation, it is paramount that we promote a government which is subservient to the national interest. The existence of domestic tranquility is fully reliant upon the nation and the state being the same entity both in practice, and in doctrine. When the separation between the people and their government becomes as large as it stands today, tyranny becomes the only means by which the government can rule. What we have seen occur over the years within our nation is domestic government become foreign through malevolent purchase by invasive interests, and the displacement of Americans as a constituency of their rightful homeland. An international state cannot stand as a force which can ensure national sovereignty to those under its yoke, and Americans must once again take up our people's cause to begin the arduous task of reclaiming a destiny for our nation.
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January 26, 2019
Defiant Actions
Activists placed banners in Minnesota, New York, Utah, Illinois, Michigan, Texas, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Maryland, California, Vermont and Massachusetts over the course of 36 hours. This coordinated effort represents a call to action for all those faithful to the nation, and demonstrates the untapped potential of a national collective mobilized in defense of its liberty. Activists committed themselves to action with patriots of their communities who had found themselves separated by background, but united in cause to complete a coordinated effort in which they realized a potential which had not yet manifest, to spread the message of national sovereignty to their people. The American people alone must take their future upon themselves to fully realize their destiny as a nation. Misplaced hopes in political elites and corrupted figureheads should be discarded in favor of the common fight for sovereignty in our living nation. A future in which the nation places their salvation in anyone but each other is a future in which the nation is denied its right to determine its future. Any action, however small, in defense of America's sovereignty, is a symbolic stand in defiance of those who would see the American people enslaved in the land their fathers built. Every patriot who spits in the face of tyranny by announcing his abject refusal to quietly submit to the machinations of a global elite makes of himself a beacon to his people that they, too, can take an active role in the determination of their people's continued existence. BannerDay00020BannerDay00022BannerDay00021BannerDay00020BannerDay00019BannerDay00019BannerDay00018BannerDay00017 (2)BannerDay00007BannerDay00006BannerDay00005BannerDay00004BannerDay00003BannerDay00002BannerDay00001BannerDay00016BannerDay00015BannerDay00014BannerDay00013BannerDay00012BannerDay00011BannerDay00010BannerDay00009BannerDay00008
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January 25, 2019
Protect Our Posterity
Activists attended Pro Life rallies in Chicago, Illinois and Washington D.C. to promote the protection of our nation's greatest strength, its families. With banners, flags, and flyers they greeted those who would wish to see an American posterity inherit a better world. The activists were the recipients of a notable amount of support at both events, placing the lies of the dishonest media and purchased politicians on increasingly shaky foundations. The enemies of the nation in attendance found it best to place themselves in opposition to the continuation of America's families, and as a result, its people. Bound by destructive, materialistic individualism they screamed and wailed for their right to snuff out the light of civilization that is America, and their right to toss aside their social duty to the nation, which is greater than oneself. They were opposed by the activists who volleyed patriotic chants as a response to their cries for the murder of America's children. Between the two events, over half a thousand flyers were given out to the eager and smiling faces which met the activists. So long as the American people exist, they will have a future. So long as America has a future, patriots will be active in the defense of that future against all opposition.
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December 8, 2018
National Demonstration
Activists demonstrated across Washington D.C. in support of national sovereignty, and in opposition to a corrupt government which denies the rightful inheritance of the nation a future. We stand resolute in our task to reassert the spirit that brought the people of our nation from colonial subjects to components of the greatest nation to shape the world. Any State that seeks the favor of plutocratic interests, and foreign populations over the nation that gave it life dangerously flirts with illegitimacy. When a people can no longer trust their leaders to ensure their life and liberty, they must seek solutions in themselves and each other. Great forces in the world hold with them a ravenous desire to see Americans enslaved, and subjugated in the land their fathers built. Our mere desire to exist is a defiant rallying cry to these evil manipulators. Our desire to determine our future, to seek a destiny where American interests define an American nation with an American posterity threatens the very core of their deceitful efforts. We carry the torch that has been passed down for centuries as the defenders of our nation's future. So long as our nation exists, patriots will act boldly to defend the sovereignty of their people.
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