It wasn’t long after activists heard about the plans for a cabal of pedophiles, perverts, and deranged internationalists to bring their chosen malediction to a relatively small and isolated community in northern Idaho that a decision was made to organize a protest. Professional homosexual agitators prey on the peaceful atmosphere of certain communities to corrupt their children, and turn them into the State’s ideal for a new population.
Professional homosexual agitators prey on the peaceful atmosphere of certain communities.
A population without roots, without virtue, without even the name they were given at birth. The mentally-addled, homosexual-indoctrinee is shackled to mass media for the latest marching orders on fabricated identity, perpetually medicated to stave off the health complications of crimes against nature, and completely incapable of creating a natural family which is a cornerstone of every functioning society. The plans for protest were simple, and straightforward. It wouldn’t be a large innovation onto the standard model seen dozens of times before in peaceful display. Vehicles drive in, activists get out, speech, flyers, flags, and a public statement to impact the minds and lives of others. Juxtaposing the nation’s faithful against a menagerie of cosmopolitan, costumed freaks was an afterthought. Something unforeseen happened instead.
Law enforcement is not defined by defense, service, or dignity.
Activists were treated to the most perfidious injustices by the police in their efforts to defend the debasement of our nation's youth. It became clear that police will defend these acts at any cost to the legal rights of Americans, or at any harm to the notion that there is credibility left in the institution of law enforcement. Whether the actions of police are the result of genuine disdain for the nation's cause, hatred towards the rights of free speech and assembly, or utter wanton incompetence is indeterminate. Some combination may be the true cause. No matter the reason, it can be certain that the government is the arm of enforcement for the homosexual pathology, and one will find no virtuous defense of the family within its payrolls. Law enforcement is not defined by defense, service, or dignity. It is the armed threat that punishes disagreement with the government's morality. That morality is poisonous to the nation, and seeks the dissolution of America to serve a global agenda.
Standing for the family, and for the natural and healthy virtues that ought to govern society is not a stance of simple, if warranted, disdain for public acts of indecency such as those purveyed by homosexual debauchers, but a mortally serious sentiment in favor of the continuity of civilization itself.
If we do not practice our rights, they will be stripped from us in silence.
A chance to orderly, peacefully, and by any measure lawfully, protest an obvious and unmistakable threat to the continuance of our people's very existence was seen, and the patriots took the opportunity because it would be an act of service to those whose lives can be turned around by the organization. Injuries placed upon these self-sacrificing patriots from the police, media, and business have only strengthened their resolve and proven why it is so important to take a stance against moral depravity in the first place.
Sacrifice is a greater measure of a man than most. If we do not practice our rights, they will be stripped from us in silence. If we shy away from assembly, from bold and public speech, not only will we surrender that space to those who hate our nation, but we will cede ground to venal legislators who will seal our inalienable rights as Americans behind legal threats and police intimidation. The innocence of these men regarding any alleged wrongdoing is self-evident. Their commitment to their nation is uncontestable.